Read in English | Leia em portugués Por Tana Forrest, Jody Myrum y Emma Mulhern de Purposeful Editora: Mia Deschamps, IRIS Muchas mujeres hablan, han hablado, están hablando, pero rara vez son escuchadas... la realidad de que las mujeres no son...
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Digging out from Narrative Collapse
“The collapse of narrative is as much about a crisis of connection as anything else - we don’t know who or what to believe because we don’t know where we belong.” In a widely viewed TedX talk back in 2009, Tyler Cowen urged his audience to be suspicious of stories....

Home Within: Imagining Syria’s Future
Reflections on the 2022 performance of Home Within in Mexico City When the lights were turned on to the tune of endless clapping by the audience, I realized that I had not been alone in this transformative journey. — Laila Hourani In 2011, I had been forced out of Syria at the height of the...

February 2023 Update from IRIS
February 2023 Update As we move through our second year, IRIS still feels new, but it is rapidly taking form as we deepen our work in the narrative change and storytelling ecosystems. This update will showcase some samples of what we are already seeing with our earliest grants and connections. In...

2022 Retrospective from IRIS
What Moved Us in 2022 As 2023 has already seen events continuing to unfold around us, I have been repeating the sage advice “pay attention to what you pay attention to.” For me, it’s a reminder that each person’s attention is their most valuable asset in today’s economy. We can be intentional...

Blurring the Boundaries
Leia em portugués | Lea en español We need new ways of thinking about our narrative change work. When people think beyond the immediate problem they are trying to solve, when they envision a world in which they’ve already won, those visions of a just world end up being remarkably similar, no...

December 2022 Update from IRIS
Closing the Book on 2022 And so 2022 comes to a close. Another year has brought a profound reordering of the realities we thought we knew. The narrative of the 12-month calendar suggests we look back; create a listing; a consideration of what has happened; a compilation of...

Shifting Power through Storytelling: Learning, Unlearning and Feminism
Leia em portugués | Lea en español By Purposeful’s Tana Forrest, Jody Myrum and Emma Mulhern Edited by Mia Deschamps, IRIS Many women speak, have spoken, are speaking but are rarely heard … the reality that women are not seen as credible speakers or have no authority to speak...

How can foundations and nonprofits support culture change in a divided media landscape?
This is a repost from the Communications Network’s INSIGHTS blog. Read the original post here. The 1990s sitcom Will & Grace has been credited with helping transform attitudes towards homosexuality in the United States and other parts of the world, helping break taboos against gay leading...

November 2022 Update from IRIS
IRIS in Mexico City for our first Story of the Story Session & Requiem for Justice 2022 Fall 2022 has ushered in a new hybrid reality for IRIS, where virtual and IRL activities are coming online side by side. For IRIS, a week in Mexico City allowed us to work together in person for the first...

Connecting ethical storytelling and narrative change
If storytelling is to be a truly powerful tool for social justice activism, it is important to pay as much attention to the process of storytelling as to its outcome. Unless it is approached thoughtfully and with great care, impact-driven storytelling can easily become transactional and...

July 2022 Update from IRIS
It’s official—IRIS is one year old, though at a time such as this, one year signifies 10, or even 100, given the speed of change across all societal dimensions. Despite the rapidly shifting contours of these times, IRIS holds to a vision that is ancient. IRIS imagines a world where...