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Content from Brett Davidson

Digging out from Narrative Collapse

Digging out from Narrative Collapse

“The collapse of narrative is as much about a crisis of connection as anything else - we don’t know who or what to believe because we don’t know where we belong.” In a widely viewed TedX talk back in 2009, Tyler Cowen urged his audience to be suspicious of stories....

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Digging out from Narrative Collapse

How We Think About Thinking

It’s time to be more intentional about using machine metaphors for machines and telling better stories about humans. All the recent attention on AI and its implications for so many aspects of our lives has me thinking about how we think about thinking—and what this...

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Digging out from Narrative Collapse

Blurring the Boundaries

We need new ways of thinking about our narrative change work. When people think beyond the immediate problem they are trying to solve, when they envision a world in which they’ve already won, those visions of a just world end up being remarkably similar, no matter...

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Connecting ethical storytelling and narrative change

Connecting ethical storytelling and narrative change

If storytelling is to be a truly powerful tool for social justice activism, it is important to pay as much attention to the process of storytelling as to its outcome. Unless it is approached thoughtfully and with great care, impact-driven storytelling can easily...

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Connecting ethical storytelling and narrative change

What makes narrative change so hard?

In his latest piece for the Stanford Social Innovation Review, IRIS Narrative Lead Brett Davidson notes that “Narrative Change has emerged as a field over the past few years, as nonprofits and foundations long focused on supporting human rights saw that many of their...

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